

Labrys is the term for a symmetrical double-bitted axe.


Life isnaming new ways to say itthese rags of all I ammay only spill in so many wayson wings of dreamsin song of prayer or spell of sleepslip to skin, like years and whisper by candlelightI love you, I love you, I love you.

Late Afternoon

cold coffee and French toast from last night’s baguettes splash of bad wine just to finish the bottle sunglasses shield souls worn open simmering with scents of leaves first fallen stirred in soup thick fog pouring through that hair of yours threading Berkshires to Taconic ridge in the midst of your raising and the heart of your...


hot pepper laced prayers
blessings condense, fog windows and fall
my heart waters and wells
adoring, pleading, needing
our long walks and full moon picnics
your eyes unsheathed in the dark

Christopher J. Sparks