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the floor does not spin
or sink, another inch
of ashes
spent sleepless shaking
bone-thin, thin skin

boiling, cracking, opens

and I am whole.

Shock scar

Where regrets lay down, relax and drift off for awhile casual & confident in the right to be indifferent to the soft, souring bodies cluttering, complicating, contriving half-truths excusing, explaining and too easily forgetting flash-frozen silence, soft sobbing obedient smile under shades over black and blue and tears over...


hot pepper laced prayers
blessings condense, fog windows and fall
my heart waters and wells
adoring, pleading, needing
our long walks and full moon picnics
your eyes unsheathed in the dark

The Star

The Star

This was our first outing together in years. Lifetimes ago this tunnel had been an initiation of sorts. We went over some of the details we remembered, talked about how much more information was available these days, and how we had only seen a train come through on Youtube as we stitched together country back-roads on a cool early...

A-12 Firstborn

A-12 Firstborn mix cd cover

Creating dedicated soundtracks for long distance driving had been a little ritual of mine for years. Once the streaming services really began to come into their own I found fewer reasons to intentionally craft a narrative with music. A-12 Firstborn was mix CD from around 2010 or so. Front cover Back cover [Taxiing]Dylan Thomas...

Christopher J. Sparks