It is the ugliest police station I have ever seen in my life. Not that I’ve seen many, thankfully, but this looks like a shoebox blown up to accommodate three firetruck-sized garage doors.Inside, behind the wooden counter are a few office chairs and desks. One of the two officers smiles when he looks at me and says...
2024 Wrap-up
I want to help set intention for the next season, in part, by recounting the last.Greatest PicsMixmasterI make mixes for getting work done. They are about an hour in length, begin with a poem and consist mostly of sound tracks from shows, movies and games, as well as classical and jazz. Generally, music with lyrics tends to be...
Egg Tooth
I parked the car just at midnight, as planned. I put the car further up the street than I had initially thought to, so the path to my objective was longer. The neighborhood was quiet, with a few cars on the road here and there. I got my bag and started walking.I remember a tall gentleman on his phone in front of me the entire time...
Anansi system overview
Anansi Field Notes system is a modification of the Grinnell Field Notes system tailored for Urban Exploration.
Race Point Beach
The Relic, part 1, The Forest

“Let’s go see what’s up here,” she said, motioning up a dirt path. My friend Laura and I are out taking photos of the land I have just moved to, 100 acres of mixed wood forest in rural Massachusetts. Autumn is full bloom all around us. Gold and red carpet the ground and cling to the tops of branches as if to set...
30.December.2018, Dive 2, Winch Hole

I stepped off the back of the boat and into the sea, then swam along side to the front or bow of the Tropical Serenity, where a rope called the wreck line was fixed. I tried to use the rope to pull myself down to 25’ as I had yesterday but could only hover at 10’. I was still having real trouble equalizing sinus pressure. It feels...
29.December.2018, Dive 1, Fish Kisses at Molasses Reef
We set out aboard the Tropical Serenity sometime after dawn with 38 divers, arriving at Molasses Reef, Early Ray Alley about 30 minutes later. The boat slowed and stopped. What 5 foot waves really means is that the ship and everyone on it seemed as if on rollercoaster while standing perfectly still. A wave would pick us up, the...
24.November.2018 Monadnock

Shadows trick the eyes, letting the cave feel deeper than it is. The air is cool and pregnant with humidity, touching the skin with a delicate but sudden embrace. The cave is relatively small for what I imagine the mouth of a quarry to be and appears to be shaped like an ‘L.’ The length hugs the Gallery, its short leg abuts the...
Lake > boob

6:34 We talked work as we made our way up. The trail had tire ruts, but I didn’t notice tracks any newer than last season. Dark Mud sat where streams often crossed the path. New greening, last season’s brown and stone walls here and there. We came to an impressive ruin of the foundation of a large structure, perhaps a house, at...
The Star

This was our first outing together in years. Lifetimes ago this tunnel had been an initiation of sorts. We went over some of the details we remembered, talked about how much more information was available these days, and how we had only seen a train come through on Youtube as we stitched together country back-roads on a cool early...